the one i truly hated

I said sorry for my answer was negative, 
nervous to the point I dropped the bangle on my wrist. 
Clearly didn't want to hurt you, 
its you who made me behave the way I did. 
Drawing a nude in the paper ring you gifted me. 
If not petty revenge, then what was it? 
You must have seen it coming, 
for I still remember that cursed drawing. 
The shackles of guilt you forced upon me, 
Love? It was only a farce for thee. 
You told me 30 excuses but there was never a sorry. 
Terrified into shuddering,
left alone in that suffering. 
I hate you, I hate you;
for all the trauma you gave me. 
Sarcastic smiles and creepy eyes, 
people enjoying the drama when it was squeezing the last of my life. 
That song full of trash and lies, 
I remember it all, I remember it well.
Called me what? 
Fake feminist, an attention seeking chick
Just cause I didn't catch feelings? 
Your pursuit made me scared. 
I said no a hundred, thousand times
yet you never cared. 
I didn't choose you over my dreams,
so you mocked me with a gang of six. 
Darling, not only did I get a B, 
I also scored a C,but what about it? 
Look here bastard,I'm at fucking NIT
You could only dream
How does it feel now that I proved 
you really weren't as worthy as you thought you ought to be? 
Watch me break apart the you in my memories, 
with the broken self you left of me. 
I don't owe you no shit. 
Look at you using my deepest secrets to diss me, 
Oh so fucking pathetic. 
This rhyme is a closure to the rap you spit.
Yes I play with words,
I play it better than you play with your dick. 
I wouldn't bother to sing but
watch me bitch about this the way you had proclaimed I did. 
Why are your pants wet? 
Oh did I scare you into pissing? 
Oh poor darling/sarcastic
Its only you stuck in the past feeling like you own me. 
Yes I have a life,yes i have a story and thank God you are not in it. 
Don't bother me no more,
this is our last meeting. 
Fuck you asshole
No night stays when its time for lights to start shining. 
Starting a new life in 20 days, 
The only person I truly hated. 


  1. This piece is something so different, coming from you, i loved it. And I'm so proud of you 💝


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